32 Beautiful Phrases From Erich Maria Remarque

32 beautiful phrases from Erich Maria Remarque

The German author Erich Maria Remarque lived during the First World War. This made him a very sensitive person, who developed a vulnerable soul and a beautiful human talent.

Each of his books and writings is based on personal visualizations of his surroundings and authentic feelings. Everything he could observe, see and feel with his beautiful eyes and his sensitive heart.

In his books you can find out how his love is structured, as well as his existence. He tells us how war is something that affects the faith and destiny of every human being. His work focuses mainly on the generation that was lost in the war and those who had to go through difficult tragedies.

Woman and flower

Today we are going to share the best phrases from some books written by Erich Maria Remarque:

  • “No,” he said quickly. “Should we continue to be just friends? Plant a small garden of emotions? No, this is not for us. Love is not colored by friendship. The end is the end. ”
  • No one can be more lost than one who loves the past.
  • How clumsy a man does not become when he really loves ! How quickly he loses his confidence! And his experience disappears to be replaced by uncertainty!
  • Only the one who has really been alone knows the happiness that his wife gives.
  • Love does not tolerate excuses, it requires action.
  • Every love wants to be forever, and this is its eternal suffering.
  • Only when you really separate from a person will you be able to feel a real interest. This is the paradox of love.
  • Only he who has felt the boredom can feel the happiness. He who has only been happy cannot really appreciate happiness.
  • Talking about happiness takes no more than five minutes. There is nothing more to say than you are happy.
  • A person is only happy when he does not have to think about time and feel stressed. But even if you are scared, you have to laugh. What else can you do?
  • Happiness is both the most infinite and the most costly in the whole world.
  • The most beautiful city in the world is the one where you are happy.
  • When the man does not give up, he is stronger than his goal.
  • The more primitive a person is, the more he believes in himself.
  • “Nothing is lost,” I repeated to myself. “You only lose one person when he dies.”
  • The best personality is that of the cynics; the most intolerant have the idealists. Isn’t this strange?
  • If you expect less, you get more.
  • It is wrong to think that every person has the same ability to feel.
  • If you do not want anyone to notice you, do not be careful.
  • Remember one thing: Never make fun of a woman again if you do something for her.
  • A woman does not have to tell a man that she loves him. Her happy eyes express this and they say more than a thousand words.
  • You have to idolize a woman, or leave her. The rest are lies.
  • An ancient rule says: If a woman belongs to another, she is five times more desirable than the one you can get.
  • A woman is not a piece of furniture in metal, she is a flower. She does not want formalities. She needs beautiful words.
  • I sat next to her, I listened to her, I laughed and thought how awful it is to love a woman and be poor.
  • What you cannot achieve always seems to be better than what you have. It’s romance and idiocy at the same time.
  • It is said that the most difficult thing is to live the first 70 years.
  • Life is a boat that can tip over at any time.
  • Repentance is the most useless thing in the whole world. You can not change anything that has happened.
  • Sometimes you have to destroy your principles.
  • It is better to die when you want to live than to live until the moment you want to die.
  • Whatever happens, do not take it too seriously. There are very few things that are important over time.

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