3 Secrets To Making A Good First Impression

3 secrets to making a good first impression

It is true that there are many myths about making a good first impression. Some people give great first impressions, but terrible, second, third and fourth impressions… But the opposite can also happen: you meet someone and immediately you think that this person can not be trusted. You feel that you will definitely not work with the person, and then you realize that you were very wrong about this.

First impressions are especially important in work situations or when socializing. In these cases, it is impossible for them to really get to know you at first, so the first impressions will set the tone. We have all been through occasions when we have felt the need to give a good impression. This can open doors and break down obstacles.

According to psychologist John Bargh at Yale, we get our first impressions of someone within two tenths of a second. It comes from the limbic system. First impressions are reflected in the willingness or interest we show when we create a bond with someone. If the first impressions are good, we will be more open, and vice versa.

In the workplace or the public sector, it tends to be more calculated. You do not behave in the same way in front of your boss as you do in your home. And it has nothing to do with hypocrisy but that there are certain expectations that you have to live up to. If you want to give a good first impression, there are 3 tips:

Behaving naturally does not mean that you are shameless or rude. A job interview or an academic presentation is not the same as going out with friends or staying home to watch TV. If you go too far with your spontaneity, you may seem rude or arrogant.

Woman among leaves

Being natural means that you show yourself as the person you really are. For example, if you are a person who is not good at keeping things in order, do not try to show yourself as a person who is actually in order. You can instead try to control this aspect of yourself if you think it may be something negative in the context you are in. When you want to give a good first impression, you should try to emphasize your strengths and reduce your weaknesses. But you must first be aware of them.

You can put on some makeup, but not so much that people think you are a different person or will not recognize you when you take it off. Think of your naturalness as your sense of smell: you notice immediately.

It can be difficult for someone to trust you if you are not honest. If you want to give a good first impression but use lies or falsehood, you will undermine yourself. At the same time, you will be stressed because you have to maintain the lie.

Man with colors

Trust yourself, trust others and trust life. It is better to say that you can not talk about a certain topic because you do not know enough about it than to ridicule yourself by trying to make the person believe what you come up with.

It is better to admit that you feel a little nervous than to pretend to be falsely confident when you are obviously tense. You do not have to force anything. Trust that no matter how the situation ends, it’s best to be honest.

Be specific with the messages you want to express. If someone asks you a question, you should answer clearly without starting to talk about other things. Think about how conversations are better when the exchange between the two is dynamic.

It is important to be able to communicate. Do not expect your ideas to be understood or to be scarce is the same as being clear. A person who does not take turns talking shows a great deal of uncertainty and this is not something you want.

Hands touching each other

When you start a new relationship, it is important that it is as simple as possible. This new band is a blank sheet; an opportunity to start making things right from the start. Relationships built on simplicity tend to go better.

Good first impressions help to promote good attitudes on both sides. So from this perspective, a little makeup is okay, but do it in an intelligent way and do not stop being yourself.

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