3 Body Language That Communicates Kindness

3 body language that communicates kindness

Have you ever felt disgusted with a person without even talking to him or her? Are you a person who does not understand why some people have prejudices against you? Would you like to be a person who gets liked right away? One of those who is liked by others and treated by others as if you had been friends all your life? The answer lies in your body language.

Your body is constantly sending out signals. Your voice is not the only thing that speaks for you. Even when you are quiet, your body will say something. If you want to be more popular, this is not just about being funny or present in every conversation. In fact, it may not work at all.

In fact, if you want to give a better impression, you can do this without even opening your mouth. The way you move your eyes, how you sit down or how you move your arms and other gestures can help you leave a better impression and become more popular.

Think about your attitude, express it with your body

The human mind criticizes what it sees. Thanks to this, we have been able to develop as a species. In just a few seconds, we can discover if someone is a threat or if the person can help us survive. It’s about instinct.

Our body language can therefore be treacherous. By working with our body language, we can “deceive” other people’s instincts so that it becomes easier to establish relationships.


But in addition to manipulating other people’s perceptions, our body language allows us to become more confident and express ourselves as we want. Not thinking about body language can send out messages that contradict what we want to communicate.

It is therefore important that you think about your attitude. If you build a wall with your posture or your way of standing, you do not give others the chance to get to know you. If you behave foolishly, others will think you are foolish. If you seem defensive, people will think you are this. If you want to be friendly, behave this way and think about your attitude.

But what kind of attitude does a friendly person have? The secret to having a friendly attitude is caring for other people. See what you can do to help others, but without being too insistent. It’s about wanting to help without being annoying.

Think about your posture and improve your body language

Your posture, which is part of your body language, affects how people see you. What we see in someone else’s body language is what they think about themselves and this gives us an idea of ​​what they are for people.

To be able to have a good posture, you must be upright and relaxed. Your body is exposed to two forces, one that pulls you down to the ground and anchors you to the ground, and another that lifts you up. Your shoulders should always lean slightly backwards so that your torso can expand with each breath, which should be slow and take breaks. To improve your appearance and posture, try to keep your back straight, but not stiff.

Although this seems to come from a yoga lesson, it is what distinguishes a person with an arrogant attitude from a person who is in harmony with his surroundings. It distinguishes a pessimistic person from one who has the joy of life and enjoys life.

On the other hand, when talking to someone, you should have an open posture without covering your chest with your arms or leaning back. Open up to the person you are talking to. This inspires confidence. You should also avoid leaning against something or fumbling with something in your hand as this shows you to be passive and insecure.


Wave and smile

If you want to look friendly, you must always smile and greet. It does not matter if the people answer or if they are silent. It does not matter how many times you have seen them that week or that day. Smiling and greeting others should be a habit. Do it all the time.

You do not have to shout to catch the attention of others. Just smile and wave, and establish visual contact in a personal way. Walk slowly towards them and take your time. This inspires self-confidence and an open attitude.

A smile should be part of your normal facial expression. It’s not about forcing your face, but rather about making you feel happy. This will make your face relax, especially on the forehead, and your gaze will be much friendlier.

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