16 Quotes From The Fantastic Artist Frida Kahlo

16 quotes from the fantastic artist Frida Kahlo

The artist Frida Kahlo is one of my favorite people. She was an intense, brave and amazing woman who left behind a fantastic legacy. Not only in the form of her paintings, but also in her words and wisdoms as well as the example she was in her struggle.

She captured the world’s attention for her ideas about life and broke not only with the conventions of the 20th century in Mexico, but also of the global community. Even today, she is considered a revolutionary and unconventional individual. As an artist, people wanted to force her into the category of surrealism, but she did not let them. She said herself that she never painted dreams, but her own reality.

Kahlo’s experiences, including the terrible blows and misery that life gave her and her passionate love for Diego Rivera, defined her. Her boldness, vanity, passion and great capacity for love are all evident in the words she left us with. Words that transcend the boundaries of both time and space.

The artist Frida Kahlo left behind many good quotes – here are 16 of the best!

  1. “Feet, what do I need you for, when I have wings to fly.”
  2. “By putting up walls around you, you risk letting them devour you from the inside.”
  3. “Pain, pleasure and death are nothing more than the process of life. The revolutionary struggle of this process is an open door to intelligence. ”
  4. “Doctor, if you let me drink this tequila, I promise not to drink at my funeral.”
  5. “In reality, we can do much more than we think.”
  6. “Life insists on being my friend and my enemy.”
  7. “There is nothing more beautiful than a smile.”
  8. “That which does not kill me when me.”
  9. “They thought I was a surrealist, but they were not. I have never painted dreams. I paint my own reality. ”
  10. “Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything spins, everything flies away and disappears. ”
  11. “Beauty and ugliness are hallucinations because in the end everyone sees what is inside us.”
  12. “I tried to drown my sorrows, but those bastards learned to swim, and now I am overwhelmed by this perfectly acceptable feeling.”
  13. “There are some who are born with a star and some who are born broken, and even though I do not want to believe it, I am one of the most broken.”
  14. “I used to think I was the weirdest person in the world, but then I thought there are so many people in the world, so there must be someone like me who feels bizarre and unsuccessful in the same way as me. I thought of her and that she was also out there thinking of me. If you’re out there, I hope you read this and that you know that yes, I’m here and just as weird as you. ”
  15. “I wish I could give you everything you always wanted, but not even then would you be aware of the greatness of being able to love you.
  16. Is it possible to invent verbs? I want to give you one: I shun you. My huge wings spread wide to love you without limits. I feel that we have been together from the beginning, that we are made of the same material, that we are on the same wavelength, that we have the same feeling within us. Your everything, your genius and your humility can not be compared and you make life richer. In your extraordinary world, all I can offer you is the truth – that I will always cherish the deepest parts of you. Thank you for accepting this, thank you for living, because yesterday you allowed me to touch your most intimate inner light and told me in your voice and your eyes what I wanted to hear all my life. ”

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